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Indigenous Awareness Training for Professionals and Executives

indigecation is an Indigenous education company providing Indigenous Awareness Training.

With a mission to empower corporate leaders in Manitoba to become Indigenous and reconciliation advocates, indigecation aims to support their strategies for truth and reconciliation and improve participants’ awareness of Canada’s Indigenous and non-Indigenous collective history.

Through this, the impact of empowered teams can motivate a positive workplace culture, partnerships, and customer or client interactions.

Read about our Founder, Karen MacAulay.

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The indigecation Difference


Karen, founder and training facilitator, creates a safe, respectful and empowering environment to learn Canada’s “hidden” history. The session will also explore the different experiences of Canadians that exist simultaneously even today.


A key takeaway for participants includes understanding their perspectives concerning Indigenous people. Teams will also be given the opportunity to evaluate their workplaces, policies and interactions with the Indigenous community.


To create a more inclusive, diverse and equitable environment for Indigenous people to feel welcome, resources will be provided to plan steps toward ongoing reconciliation and allyship in the workplace.


A key outcome of the Indigenous Awareness Training is the improved confidence and competence that participants will feel in understanding the duality of our collective history, along with their action plans for reconciliation.

Indigenous Awareness Training for Professionals and Executives

Training through indigecation provides authentic storytelling embedded with reliable information such as facts, terms, and contexts around the history of Indigenous peoples. Each participant will have the opportunity to hear the “hidden” side of Canadian history, evaluate their perspectives through an Indigenous lens, recognize their impact in the workplace and transform their reconciliation strategies. Participants will leave the training aware of their place in Canadian society and be empowered to become Indigenous advocates and allies in their workplace and through customer relations. Participants will also receive a certificate of completion and a strategy to implement in their reconciliation plans.

Ready to take action on your commitment to truth and reconciliation?